I. Pride: Extreme pride can prompt self-importance and a feeling of predominance over others. It can thwart self-awareness and keep one from recognizing their own restrictions.

II. Greed: Unreasonable longing for abundance or assets can prompt deceptive way of behaving, like double-dealing and untrustworthiness. It can make an unevenness of assets in the public arena, causing disparity and social turmoil.

III. Lust: Unrestrained sexual craving can prompt typification of others and negligence for their consent. It can sabotage relationships and lead to damaging ways of behaving, such as one wasting their money on pornography when they can get it for free.

IV. Envy: It breeds hatred and sharpness towards others' prosperity or assets. It diverts from self-improvement and can prompt unsafe activities pointed toward cutting others down.

V. Gluttony: Overindulgence in food, drink, or material delights can hurt one's wellbeing and prosperity. It can likewise add to inefficiency and negligence for the requirements of others.

VI. Wrath: Uncontrolled annoyance and hostility can prompt savagery and damage to oneself as well as other people. It frequently hinders levelheaded navigation and can raise clashes pointlessly.

VII. Lastly, sloth: Laziness and apathy can impede self-awareness and accomplishment. It can prompt botched open doors and an absence of commitment to society.